Gastprofessur sponsored by Gen Re
Zur Förderung der Internationalität, und insbesondere des internationalen Austauschs von wissenschaftlichen Ideen, unterstützt die Gen Re die internationale Lehre und Forschung in Versicherungswissenschaften an der Universität zu Köln durch die Einrichtung einer Gen Re-Gastprofessur. Einmal jährlich wird ein international hochkarätiger Wissenschaftler im Fachgebiet Versicherungswissenschaften an die Universität zu Köln eingeladen.
Die Gen Re-Gastprofessur wird einen Kurs anbieten, der sowohl für Doktoranden im Rahmen der Cologne Graduate School als auch für Master- und Diplomstudenten an der WiSo Fakultät der Universität zu Köln offensteht. Darüber hinaus wird die Gen Re-Gastprofessur in das wissenschaftliche Leben der Universität, z.B. durch Mitwirkung an Forschungsprojekten, Teilnahme an Forschungsseminaren usw. eingebunden. Außerdem wird ein Praktikervortrag des eingeladenen Wissenschaftlers im Hause der Gen Re stattfinden.

For the visiting-professor-program sponsored by Gen Re in summer term 2025, we are happy to welcome Professor Andre Liebenberg. Dr. Andre P. Liebenberg currently holds the Robertson Chair of Insurance at the University of Mississippi and serves as Insurance Program Director of the Center for Insurance Transformation. He received a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Georgia in 2004 and taught insurance at the University of the Witwaterstrand in South Africa for five years afterwards while retained as a consultant to Hannover Re.
Dr. Liebenberg currently teaches the introductory and capstone classes in the undergraduate RMI curriculum and leads the doctoral RMI seminar at Ole Miss. He is the recipient of the 2015 American Risk and Insurance Association Excellence in Teaching Award, which recognizes a career of distinguished teaching. He has also received teaching and research awards from the School of Business Administration. Prof. Liebenberg serves as an editorial board member of the Journal of Insurance Regulation, is a past president of the Southern Risk and Insurance Association, and is an active member of the Risk Theory Society and the American Risk and Insurance Association. The objective of his course is to prepare and support students in their research and writing of a paper as well as to discuss the process from the first idea to publication.

For the visiting-professor-program sponsored by Gen Re in summer term 2024, we are happy to welcome Professor David Eckles. David Eckles currently holds the P. George Benson Professorship at the Department of Insurance, Legal Studies, and Real Estate at the Terry College of Business, University of Georgia. After receiving his Ph.D. in Insurance and Risk Management & Finance at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania in 2003. Prof. Eckles was Assistant Professor at the Georgia Southern University and at the Terry College of Business, University of Georgia. Prof. Eckles currently serves as President of the American Risk and Insurance Association and at the Editorial Board of the Journal of Risk and Insurance. His research and teaching interests include Insurance Economics, Agency Theory, Financial Institutions. Current projects involve investigating insurer reserving practices, rating agency issues, and adverse selection. The purpose of his course is to discuss academic literature on insurance economics and to prepare students to undertake research in the fields of applied finance theory and issues in risk management. The course teaches how papers are written, edited and published and how to get from a research idea to a finished article.

For the GenRe visiting-professor-program in summerterm 2023, we are happy to welcome Professor George Zanjani. Dr. George Zanjani is Professor of Finance at the Frank Park Samford Chair of Insurance at the Culverhouse College of Business at the University of Alabama. He was an associate professor in the Risk Management and Insurance Department of Georgia State University. He held the AAMGA Distinguished Chair in Risk Management and Insurance. Previously Dr. Zanjani served as an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2000 – 2008) specializing in policy work relating to insurance issues in the broader financial system, and, in particular, on the "monoline crisis" during late 2007 and early 2008. He also worked as an actuary at Fireman's Fund Insurance Companies (1990 – 1994), focusing on commercial insurance pricing and heading the firm's workers' compensation actuarial unit in 1994. Dr. Zanjani's published or forthcoming work includes insurance papers in the Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Public Economics and the American Economic Review. He has served on working groups formed by the Committee on the Global Financial System (on global savings and asset allocation) and the Presidential Working Group on Financial Markets (terrorism insurance). Dr. Zanjani is an Associate of the Casualty Actuarial Society. He earned his A.B./B.S. in Economics and Biology from Stanford University and holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago. He currently serves as the President-Elect of the American Risk and Insurance Association and the President of the Risk Theory Society.

For the GenRe visiting-professor-program in summerterm 2022, we are happy to welcome Professor Anette Hofmann. After the program had to be held digitally in the summer of 2020 and was suspended in 2021 due to the Covid-19-Pandemic, we are delighted that Prof. Hofmann will visit Cologne in person this year.
Annette Hofmann is the Academic Director of the Carl H. Lindner III Center for Insurance and Risk Management and Virgil M. Schwarm Associate Professor of Finance and Investments at the University of Cincinnati. She holds a Master’s degree in Business and a Ph.D. in Insurance and Risk Management from the University of Hamburg, an Excellence University in Germany. She previously held the Robert F. Corroon Chair in Risk Economics at St. John’s University's Maurice R. Greenberg School of Risk Management, Insurance, and Actuarial Science.
Dr. Hofmann’s research focuses on the economics or risk and uncertainty, insurance markets, health care markets, risk leadership, risk literacy and biases in decision-making under risk, as well as innovation in markets dealing with risk.
Her research has appeared in the Journal of Risk and Insurance, Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Journal of Business Ethics, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of Banking and Finance, Economics Letters, and European Journal of Health Economics.

For the GenRe visiting-professor-program in summerterm 2020, we are happy to welcome Professor Annette Hofmann from the Maurice R. Greenberg School of Risk Management in the Tobin College of Business at St. John’s University, NY. Find more information about the course in KLIPS 2.
Annette Hofmann, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Maurice R. Greenberg School of Risk Management, Insurance and Actuarial Science, which is part of the Tobin College of Business at St. John’s University, NY. She holds the MetLife endowed Professorship in Risk Management and Insurance. She is also the director of the Master of Science Program in Risk Management and Risk Analytics at St. John’s. Prior to joining the faculty of St. John’s University, Dr. Hofmann was a professor and director of the Risk Management and Insurance MBA program at Hamburg School of Business Administration in Germany. She earned her Habilitation and Ph.D. from the University of Hamburg, Germany. Her research focuses on the economics of risk and uncertainty, insurance markets, decision-making under risk, prevention decisions, health insurance, and health economics. Among others, she has published in the Journal of Risk and Insurance, the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, the Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, the European Journal of Health Economics, the Journal of Banking and Finance, and Economics Letters. One of her papers was selected for the Geneva Risk and Insurance Review’s40th Anniversary Edition in 2015. The ten most influential papers published in the Review up to 2015 were selected to be reprinted in this prestigious Anniversary Edition. She regularly presents at academic conferences and is a member of the American Risk and Insurance Association, the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists, and Risk Theory Society.

For the tenth GenRe visiting-professor-program in summerterm 2019 we are happy to welcome Professor Tyler Leverty from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Find more information about the course in KLIPS 2.
Tyler Leverty is an Associate Professor in the Department of Risk and Insurance at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He holds the Gerald D. Stephens CPCU Distinguished Chair in Risk Management and Insurance and the John and Anne Oros Distinguished Chair for Inspired Learning in Business. He is a Senior Editor of the Journal of Risk and Insurance and is currently the President of the Risk Theory Society. His research interests are in the economics of insurance markets, insurance company operations, and public policy issues in insurance. His research has been published in the Journal of Financial Economics, the Journal of Risk and Insurance, the Journal of Accounting Research, the Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, the Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, and the Journal of Banking and Finance, among others. Tyler has received recognition for both his teaching and research, including the Inspired Learning Chair at the Wisconsin School of Business, the Tippie College of Business Collegiate Teaching Award, the Casualty Actuarial Society Best Non-Life Paper Award, and the State Farm Companies Doctoral Dissertation Award. Tyler earned his BA in history and economics from the University of Washington and his PhD in Risk Management and Insurance from Georgia State University.

For the GenRe visiting-professor-program in summerterm 2018 we are happy to welcome Professor Mark J. Browne from the School of Risk Management in the Tobin College of Business at St. John’s University, NY. Find more information about the course in KLIPS 2.
Mark J. Browne, Ph.D. is the chair of the faculty of the School of Risk Management in the Tobin College of Business at St. John’s University, NY. He holds the Robert Clements Distinguished Chair in Risk Management and Insurance. In addition, he is an Associate Member of the Munich Risk and Insurance Center at Ludwig Maximilians Universitat in Munich, Germany and is a member of the International Research Advisory Board of the Risk and Insurance Research Center at National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan. Prior to joining the faculty of St. John’s University, Dr. Browne held the Gerald D. Stephens CPCU Chair in Risk Management and Insurance in the Wisconsin School of Business at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Dr. Browne has served as president of the American Risk and Insurance Association, the Risk Theory Society and the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists. He has been awarded lifetime membership in the Risk Theory Society. An expert on risk management, insurance, and employee benefits, he teaches courses on these topics and has consulted with businesses on issues related to them. Mr. Browne’s research has appeared in many publications, including the Journal of Risk and Insurance, of which he is also an associate editor, the Journal of Insurance Regulation, the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, the Journal of Legal Studies and the CPCU Journal. He is regularly consulted by media and has been quoted in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg BusinessWeek, among others. He testified before the U.S. Senate committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs following Hurricane Katrina. Mr. Browne has received recognition for both his teaching and research with a number of awards, including the Beta Gamma Sigma Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence, the Lawrence J. Larson Excellence in Teaching Award at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, the Excellence in Teaching Award of the American Risk and Insurance Association and the Shin Award for Research Excellence from the International Insurance Society. He received his bachelor, masters and doctoral degrees from the University of Pennsylvania where he was a Huebner Fellow.

For the eighth GenRe visiting-professor-program in summerterm 2017 we are happy to welcome Professor Patricia Born from the Florida State University, College of Business. Find more information about the course in KLIPS 2.
Patty Born received her Ph.D. in Economics from Duke University and is currently the Midyette Eminent Scholar of Insurance in the Department of Risk Management/Insurance, Real Estate and Legal Studies at Florida State University. She is a research associate in the Florida Catastrophic Storm Risk Management Center. She is also adviser of the Risk Management doctoral program in the College of Business. Her research interests include insurance market structure and performance, professional liability, health insurance, and the management of catastrophic risks. She has published in leading insurance academic journals including Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Columbia Business Law Review, and the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. Dr. Born is a member of the board of the American Risk and Insurance Association and serves on the editorial board of the Risk Management and Insurance Review and Journal of Insurance Issues. She also serves as Chair of the Florida Panhandle District Long Term Care Ombudsman Council.
June 19, 2017 she gave a talk with the title "Reactions to Catastrophic Events: a Look at Insurers, Consumers and Regulators"

Im Sommersemester 2016 begrüßen wir die renommierte Wissenschaftlerin Prof. Dr. Sharon Tennyson für die siebte Gen Re-Gastprofessur.
Sharon Tennyson ist Professorin an der Cornell University in Ithaca, New York und zugleich Direktorin des Cornell Institute for Public Affairs (CIPA). Zudem ist sie Editorin des Journal of Consumer Affairs. Ihre Forschungsarbeiten konzentrieren sich unter anderem auf den Einfluss von Gesetzgebungen auf Versicherungsunternehmen, -kunden und –märkte sowie auf das Verhalten von Versicherungskunden und den Verbraucherschutz im Finanzsektor. Ihre Forschungsbeiträge wurden in zahlreichen hochrangigen Fachzeitschriften in den Bereichen Ökonomie, Versicherungslehre, Jura und Finanzwissenschaften publiziert. Zudem ist sie ehemalige Präsidentin der Risk Theory Society und Fakultätsmitglied der Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania am Department of Insurance and Risk Management. Ihre Promotion erfolgte an der Northwestern University.

Im Sommersemester 2015 begrüßen wir den renommierten Wissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Gregory R. Niehaus für die sechste Gen Re-Gastprofessur.
Greg Niehaus ist Professor und Lehrstuhlinhaber für Finanzierungslehre und Versicherungslehre an der Darla Moore School of Business der University of South Carolina, USA. Seine wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten konzentrieren sich u.a. auf den Gebieten Corporate Finance, Insurance Economics, Corporate Pension Plans und Corporate Risk Management. Seine Arbeiten wurden mehrfach ausgezeichnet. Sie sind u.a. in folgenden Zeitschriften erschienen: The Journal of Financial Economics, The Journal of Finance, The Journal of Business, The Accounting Review, The Journal of Risk and Insurance, The Journal of Financial Intermediation, Quantitative Finance und The Journal of Banking and Finance.

Im Sommersemester 2014 begrüßen wir die renommierte Wissenschaftlerin Prof. Dr. Joan T. Schmit für die fünfte Gen Re-Gastprofessur.
Joan T. Schmit ist Professorin und Lehrstuhlinhaberin für Risikomanagement und Versicherungslehre an der Wisconsin School of Business an der Universiy of Wisconsin-Madison. Sie hat mehrere Veröffentlichungen in den Feldern Versicherungswissenschaften und Regulierung. Sie weist eine breite Expertise in Versicherungsregulierung, Enterprise Risk Management und interdisziplinäre Themen aus Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften im Bereich der Versicherungswissenschaften. Aktuell arbeitet sie in den Forschungsfeldern Mikroversicherung und Reputationsrisiko und steht in Forschungskooperationen mit der China Center for Insurance and Social Security Research an der Peking-Universität und dem Institut für Versicherungswirtschaft an der Universität St. Gallen. Zusätzlich ist sie Editor beim Journal of Risk and Insurance und ist aktives Mitglied bei der International Insurance Society.

Im Sommersemester 2013 begrüßen wir den renommierten Wissenschaftler Prof. Dr. James R. Garven für die vierte Gen Re-Gastprofessur.
James R. Garven ist Professor und Lehrstuhlinhaber für Finanzierungslehre und Versicherungslehre an der Baylor University, USA. Er war Vorsitzender der größten wissenschaftlichen Versicherungsvereinigung in den USA ( Er ist aktuell Editor beim Journal of Risk and Insurance sowie beim Geneva Risk and Insurance Review. Seine wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten konzentrieren sich u.a. auf den Gebieten Demand for Insurance, Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection in Insurance Markets. Seine Arbeiten wurden mehrfach ausgezeichnet. Sie sind u.a. in
folgenden Zeitschriften erschienen: The Journal of Risk and Insurance, Risk Management and
Insurance Review, The Journal of Financial Intermediation, Insurance Mathematics and Economics.

Im Sommersemester 2012 begrüßen wir den renommierten Wissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Martin F. Grace vom J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University für die dritte Gen Re-Gastprofessur.
Martin F. Grace ist stellvertretender Leiter des Center for Risk Management and Insurance Research. Seine Forschungsarbeit, die sich auf die wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen und volkswirtschaftlichen Aspekte der Versicherungsaufsicht und der Besteuerung von Versicherungsunternehmen bezieht, wurde in zahlreichen wirtschafts- und versicherungswissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften veröffentlicht. Ein Schwerpunkt seiner Forschung liegt auf Performance-Studien von Versicherungsunternehmen. Weitere Forschungsgebiete sind die Besteuerung von Versicherungsunternehmen, die optimale Regulierung der Assekuranz in einem föderalen System und Solvabilitätsverordnungen.
Dr. Grace ist ehemaliger Vorsitzender der Risk Theory Society und ist im Herausgebergremium des
Journal of Risk and Insurance. Weiterhin berät er die Weltbank und Mitglieder des Europäischen
Parlaments zu bestimmten Fragestellungen aus Sicht der US-amerikanischen Versicherungsindustrie.

Im Sommersemester 2011 begrüßen wir den renommierten Wissenschaftler Prof. Dr. Robert E. Hoyt vom Terry College of Business, University of Georgia für die zweite Gen Re-Gastprofessur.
Robert E. Hoyt ist Professor für Risikomanagement und Versicherungslehre an der University of Georgia. Er war Vorsitzender der größten wissenschaftlichen Versicherungsvereinigung in den USA ( und stellvertretender Vorsitzender der größten internationalen Vereinigung der Versicherungsindustrie ( Er ist aktuell Mitglied im Editorial Board bei der Fachzeitschrift Risk Management and Insurance Review sowie einer der vorsitzenden Direktoren des Journal of Insurance Regulation. Seine wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten konzentrieren sich u.a. auf den Gebieten Enterprise Risk Management, Solvabilitäts- und Bewertungsfragen der Versicherungsindustrie sowie Geschäftsstrategien von Finanzdienstleistern. Seine Arbeiten wurden
mehrfach ausgezeichnet. Sie sind u.a. in folgenden Zeitschriften erschienen: The Journal of Risk
and Insurance, Risk Management and Insurance Review, The Journal of Insurance Regulation,
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance.

Wir freuen uns für die erste Gen Re-Gastprofessur im Jahr 2010 die renommierte Wissenschaftlerin Prof. Dr. Mary A. Weiss von der Fox School of Business, Temple University, gewonnen zu haben.
Mary A. Weiss ist Professor für Risikomanagement, Versicherungslehre und Gesundheitsökonomik an der Fox Business School der Temple University. Sie war Vorsitzende der größten wissenschaftlichen Versicherungsvereinigung in den USA ( und ist aktuell Editorin bzw. stellvertretende Editorin von zwei der wichtigsten Versicherungszeitschriften Risk Management and Insurance Review und Journal of Risk and Insurance. Ihre mehr als 30 hochkarätigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten konzentrieren sich u.a. auf den Gebieten Effizienzanalyse, Rückversicherung, Regulierung von Versicherungsunternehmen und Versicherungszyklen. Ihre Arbeiten wurden mehrfach ausgezeichnet u.a. durch das Journal of Financial Intermediationund das Journal of Risk and Insurance. Ihre Arbeiten sind in folgenden Zeitschriften erschienen: Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Business, Management Science, The Journal of Financial Intermediation, The Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, and Contingencies. Prof. Weiss lehrt u.a. an den Forschungsinstituten der Versicherungsaufsicht in den USA (NAIC).